Executive Protection

Executive Protection (EP)

EP keeps your key personnel safe from intentional and unintentional harm. Cedarwood can provide ongoing risk assessments and a number of protective measures while executives work, commute, while at home or at events and during travel. Our methods are very effective but low-key.  We usually operate “under the radar”.

Our methods include:

– Security Driving Service (in town and out of town)

– In-person protection at special events

– Assistance with office and home security

– Travel facilitation and extraction

Need protection for an upcoming trip or event? Call us for a free consultation and we can help you determine the extent and what type of protective services you will need. Give yourself the peace of mind to know that if the unexpected occurs, you will be safe and protected.

Who needs it?

Many major corporations consider EP a normal and necessary function. Executives are very valuable to their organizations and they take special risks while carrying out their jobs. Public representatives of an organization make valuable targets for adversaries. They are exposed to vulnerabilities associated with media coverage and public appearances.


• To provide physical safety of key personnel.
Harm to principal executives means harm to the organization. Protecting the principal protects the organization.

• To optimize executives’ valuable time.
Safe and secure local and out of town transportation frees the principal to make use of this otherwise wasted time. If an executive has a 30-minute commute each way to the office, this is one hour a day that could be used productively. This amounts to an extra 250 hours per year or an extra month or more per year of productivity.

• To protect proprietary and confidential information.
EP professionals are ever vigilant and provide a protected environment that reduces the risk of eavesdropping or theft of sensitive information inadvertently left unattended.

• To protect your organization’s reputation and brand.
Violent and non-violent attacks meant to embarrass a principal can make an organization look vulnerable or inept. EP reduces these risks and subsequent corporate embarrasment.

• To support normal organizational operations.
Harm to a principal can disrupt normal business operations. Preventing such harm reduces interruptions. In a major crisis, our team can move a principle to a safe location so operations can resume.

• To increase security for colleagues of the principal.
A byproduct of EP for an executive is that it creates a safe and secure environment for other members of the organization

Return on Investment

Our Executive Protection costs less than the benefits it produces. When evaluating the cost and comparing it to the enormous losses that it may prevent, Cedarwood’s EP provides a favorable ROI.

Cedarwood Executive Solutions LLC
Florida Licensed: A 1700213